Thursday, June 11, 2015

Street View, Toaster Cookies, and More Goats

Thought #1: I baked more than 70 cookies in a toaster oven this Tuesday. It was a long, vaguely pain-staking process, but fairly successful and delicious.

Actual "ovens" are somewhat rare here.

As are "actual measuring utensils," so I got to do a lot of guesstimating.

Then I put in a lot of light-brown sugar before I realized that that's just sugar that's a little brown and not actually brown sugar. So long story short, I put a lot of extra sugar of many various colors in these cookies.

Thought #2:

Here's some pictures of main street of Beit Hanina, mostly taken from the bus one day as I was on my way to work.

 My lovely local coffee roaster shop, hidden behind a bus stop.

 My normal grocery store, which is only that by merit of it being conveniently located.
 I often by hummus and falafel from the store on the end on the left there. There's another place out of the frame to the right that I usually get dinner pastry type-things from. (Little mini vaguely-calzone like things with just cheese and sauce.) (And little small pizza like things except usually with just egg and sausage and maybe creamy cheese.

There'll be thick rows of stores and stuff and then randomly a side of a whole block will be undeveloped. (Hard to get permits to build in Arab neighborhoods here.) (Also Arab neighborhoods in Jerusalem are notoriously economically depressed.) (Did I mention there's usually at least one dumpster full of burning trash?)


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