Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Collecting: the laziest of the laziest passive hobbies/the random things I end up with large quantities of and seem cool enough to save and not throw away.

Today is the first day of Thanksgiving Break.  But.... I feel like I've extensively covered the subject of breaks and painful amounts of schoolwork that I'm getting a break from, so I'm not going to talk about that.

What I'd like to talk about is collecting.  Some people collect random things, like leaves or stamps.  This almost seems like a manufactured "hobby" that they decided to have one day to make them more interesting, and to give them something to show visitors.  Collecting isn't really the kind of hobby that you spend a lot of time actively doing, unless you have nothing else to do with your time.  So if you look at it this way, collecting isn't really a hobby, it's just something that happens.  The way I look at is this:  I realize I have a lot of some kind of thing, so I'm going to keep any more I get of this thing so that I have even more of a lot.

What really interests me about collecting however, is what it reveals about the person.  Now, because I've been aching to get to it ever since I started this post, I'm going to skip ahead to doing a listy (not a word) type thing of a couple of the things that I collect or have collected in the past.  You can make your own conclusions about what it reveals, because I'm not in the mood for critical self-analysis.  (Does this reveal something too? Or is no one ever really in the mood for that?)

  • Quarters: My grandparents gave me a beginning state quarters collection when I was little, and proceeded to help me fill it in with new quarters.  This helped teach me the satisfaction you can get out of collecting and completing things, but without the actual time/active collecting involved.  It's also the kind of collection you can do over and over! Or at least plan to do a second time after you use most of the collection to get into Cici's. (Should've gone with the water)  (You think 32 quarters pissed off the cashier?  What about my friend's 80 dimes?)
  • Legos:  Specifically, Starwars Legos.  When my brothers and I were little, one of our rooms would be perpetually covered in legos and action figures.  There would be an entire world of people and complex relations and long lost relatives and evil twins and dead ghost aunts.  (It was like a soap opera, but only pg and with at least three times the violence)  Starwars Legos were at the top of the pack in terms of popularity, power, number, (I almost wanted to say numerosity for a moment, then I realized that's not a thing)and basically everything.
  • Broken sunglasses:  This one's pretty easy to explain.  I'm really really bad at collecting and maintaining a collection of fully operable, unbroken sunglasses.  I also like wearing sunglasses, and don't throw them out when they are no longer functional.
  • Hoodies:  I hate how that's not recognized as a real word.  I end up with many, many hoodies.  I prefer zipper hoodies, but most of mine are not.  I once found 3.00 shirt-thin hoodies at Pac-Sun.  I bought two, and then went home and told everyone.
  • Music:  I got the biggest ipod I could and loaded it up with music from every person's computer I could get my hands on.  If i have more time I put their music on a harddrive then fill my computer with it. =D (wow.  Those smileys (HOODIES ISNT A WORD BUT SMILEYS IS? SHENANIGANS!) look utterly ridiculous in this font.)
  • Guitars:  I attempted to have enough guitars to always have one available in the house, so I wouldn't have to go farther than one room away to get one.  I succeeded, although some are in much worse shape than others, and one isn't actually fully built yet. It's a work in progress.  Very, very slow progress.

Well that's it for this week, now I need to go enjoy my break!

(Server keeps rejecting my attempts to upload pictures? Oh well, sorry visually inclined readers, at least I tried.)

New Evidence Proves First Flag Made By Betsy Ross Actually Shirt For Gay Friend

 HARRYPOTTERHARRYPOTTERHARRYPOTTER (don't worry; no spoilers) (Also, maybe I'll talk more about Harry Potter next week, when more people have seen it...)

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