Monday, November 15, 2010

The "holy hell we have 14 days of class left" phenomenon (Why are there japanese characters on the top of my web browser? (This subject is not covered in this blog post))


I suddenly realized that today as I was taking a test in my Native American History class. (Of course my next thought after that one was: HOLY HELL I'M IN THE MIDDLE OF A NATIVE AMERICAN HISTORY TEST, BACK TO WORK!)
Crazy Horse: Most Badassly Epic Native American Hero Ever. (I capitalize each word because that is his legitimate title) But seriously, read a book about him or something.

Later, once I had time to reflect on this, I realized it is in fact, a big deal.  My first semester of school is coming to a close.  I've basically adjusted to college life, and I've attempted to register for classes for next semester. (always a painful, tragic process)    It's kind of exciting, a little surreal, it probably means I need to keep thinking about my major, but the main thing it means for me at the moment is: time to panic. 

I'm not overly worried about exam time approaching, but the end of the semester is when everything steps up and all kinds of big assignments are due.  If you've been meaning to go to that extracurricular activity you might still be on the listserv for, and you haven't gone yet, it's not going to happen.  (goodbye ruf, open mic night, tnw, respc)  It's time to buckle down and start working long hours into the night in the library/just start stressing out in general.  No more distractions; you've got the ball, now you just need to cradle your g.p.a. under your arm and sprint down the field, spin-move that paper, juke the crap out of that Spanish presentation, and make it safely to the end zone. (Thanksgiving break)  Then you get some gatorade, catch your breath, and do it all over again. (Christmas break)

That's basically what it means to be an overloaded college student just a couple of weeks away from the end of the semester.  It also means that you should probably take another look at that big research paper you got assigned at the beginning of the yearCRAP


  1. I SOOO I identify with most of this (not the spanish presentation though( or the japanese characters at the top of your browser(wait, that wasn't covered here))) Especially the huge assignment assigned early and so far untouched, and the extracurriculars left unnattended.

  2. Yes, I know axactly what you mean. It is gametime. I actually have five papers due before thanksgiving and have been logging in some good hours in peabody. I cant believe my first semester of college is coming to an end. Its a very surreal feeling as you said. I also appreciated your comments on taking the pall and juking presentations and papers. It is a solid analogy. I just hope i can score the first touchdown.

  3. This is so true! I cannot believe how much work I have had to do this past week, on top of two midterms and a final. Let’s just say it has been one crazy week. (Yes, I did say final. This blew my mind; I could not believe it was time to take finals already.) The funny thing is that it isn’t even over yet. The two days next week will be just as crazy. This break is definitely well deserved, by all of us. By the way, I loved the class comparison to football. It was very funny, making it oh so perfect. :]
