Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Flight of the Conchords: worth your time; extremely funny (and more of "The Onion" hooray for social commentary!)

Wow...  I basically just summed up this entire post rather effectively with that title there.  But I guess I'll keep going?

Or....I'll just expand the content of this post and cover even more random stuff! (Note to self: Plan basic vague outline of post *before* you write the title and the first short paragraph.) (or two.)

Okay Michael, breathe, okay good? now blog.

(I considered saying "Okay, Michael, breathe, okay, good? But a comma between every word comes on a bit strong) (CRAP this is where I was supposed to start the post)

In the midst of crunch time, what with all (easily one of the weirdest uses of words in the English language) the big assignments and essays and such, (this also ranks) it's important to keep stress levels down and relax with some laughter every now and then. So unless you prefer to cut people down to amuse you, or you just like laughing to yourself creepily, you're going to need something to laugh at/entertain you in general.  This is where I can help.  "Provider of Entertainment" just happens to be my 5th, 6th, and 7th middle names. (After Erik, Danger, MADNESS, and Trish)

Here's a couple of leads to get you started (listlistlistLISTlistlistlist)

1) The Flight of the Conchords:  If you've never heard of them, then shame on you; take a break from homework to go look through their stuff on youtube and read about their lives on wikipedia. They're basically a folk duo from New Zealand (BLOGSPOT DOESN'T RECOGNIZE ZEALAND AS A WORD THAT'S REALLY FUNNY BECAUSE IT'S A COUNTRY. HEY BLOGSPOT, WHY DON'T YOU GO TO COLLEGE?), and they have a Television show on HBO.  It's hilariously awkward and awkwardly hilarious and they have great accents.  If you don't have time to watch it or you can't find episodes on Youtube, then just watch some of their songs.  Here's a couple of samples: It's Business Time, Hiphopopotamus vs Rhymenoceros, The Humans Are Dead
I sincerely apologize for this horribly distracted blog post writing.  I'm putting off homework.
2) Homestar Runner: "Absolutely ridiculous"  These are two words I use to describe Homestar Runner. Although I really mean "www.homestarrunner.com" when I say that, because Homestar Runner is only of a whole ensemble of oddly shaped hysterical animated characters.  I suggest just exploring the site at random, especially "toons" and "sb emails" (Although just jumping in might be a bit of a shock).  If you're not up to exploring at random, here's some random classics I've randomly picked out specifically:  Trogdor, Teen Girl Squad, Cheat Commandos

3) Onion News:  So I've already talked about this one and I bring it up constantly, but it never gets old, and it's probably the place where I waste the biggest amount of time.  Just read one of these articles or watch one of these videos, and randomly explore the site from there.  But I also want to briefly discuss just how ridiculous and full of social commentary these can be.  Of course some of them are just plain weird but amazingly funny, but take for example this one:

20,000 Sacrificed In Annual Blood Offering To Corporate America

It's making a statement about our consumer culture and how our nation's government seems to value economic success and GDP over the health and well being of its people! Hooray!

Terrified FDA Warns Something Making Bananas Black After Several Days

Disgusted TSA Agents Also Calling For End To Body Scanning, Thorough Pat-Downs

New Study Finds Blacks More Likely

Mean Scientists Dash Hope of Finding Life on Mars

Don't Come Crying To Me When You Need Someone Who Can Speak Elvish

Don't worry, feel free to waste as little or as much time on the stuff in this post if you have work to do. (Lord knows I've wasted enough time for all of us)

1 comment:

  1. ...Trish? :-)

    Complete ADD post... but the household here agrees that this is actually the way they think, and your posts make total sense...
